Frequently Asked Questions

We will hold our next auditions in Spring of 2024!

General ECLIPSE/Team

What do your subunits mean? Lunar? Solar?

ECLIPSE has 2 subunits: Lunar and Solar Eclipse. Solar is the name of the unit that does boy group covers, and Lunar does girl group covers! Dancers of any gender can audition and be accepted to one or both units.

Do you have to live in California to be in ECLIPSE?

Yes, you must be able to attend all practices and filmings in person. Our members live along the Bay Area with the expectation that they are able to commute to every ECLIPSE event during the weekdays and weekends.

Do dancers get paid? Does the channel bring in any income?

Dancers do not get paid, and YouTube's copyright system means our videos are claimed and demonetized! We're really here just because we like dancing and K-Pop. It's why we take commitment so seriously. We want to put out the best quality covers we can, and we work as hard as we do with no monetary expectations.

Is there an age requirement to be in ECLIPSE?

ECLIPSE is made up of dancers from ages 18-32. As of now, anyone who is interested in joining ECLIPSE when we announce auditions must be 18 years old by the time the audition submissions are due.

How many members are in ECLIPSE?

We generally have around 30 active members per season, which fluctuates depending on how many people join during auditions and how many people are carrying over and continuing to stay active from the season before.

How many auditions do you hold every year?

Generally we hold 2 auditions a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Every audition marks the beginning of a 6-month season.

How will I know when auditions are?

Auditions and audition workshops will be announced on our social media and on our website (right here!), so please check back for updates as we approach fall/spring. The audition workshops are open to everyone to learn the choreo and learn a fun dance with fellow K-Pop fans and ECLIPSE members (you do not have to be auditioning in order to attend).


How do you decide which songs to cover?

The Lunar and Solar main directors first start by deciding on a schedule for ECLIPSE, going week by week as we get more comeback announcements. They decide which cover happens which weeks, trying to balance boy group and girl group comebacks so that subunit activity is balanced. If there are no notable comebacks for a certain week, we do what we call 'slow covers' or 'passion project' covers of songs that members have suggested.

How long does it take to prepare a cover?

Generally, we aim to have a cover learned, cleaned, and filmed within the course of 1 week. Once a cover has been assigned to a certain week, an ECLIPSE member volunteers to act as logistics manager to help schedule the times and dates of rehearsals with help from one of the main directors. They let the rest of the subunit know that we are doing the cover on these dates and when to signup. Members then get to sign up to participate, and they are chosen to do the cover by the directors with priority given to those who have no scheduling conflicts and/or volunteer to teach the choreography. If there are more people that have signed up than there are members in the idol group, the process is randomized. Main directors assign dancers to the idols they will be covering, and then during that week, the members have 4 weekday evening rehearsals with a weekend filming (usually on Saturday afternoons in San Francisco).

How do you run rehearsals? Do you all learn your part separately for covers or as a team?

Rehearsals run for 3 hours on weekday evenings. The assigned teacher(s) for a cover must learn the choreography and have blocking notes/formation changes done before the first rehearsal. We learn the choreography together as a group so that we can try to standardize our movements and move in sync from the beginning. We aim to have the full song learned and with blocking by the end of the second practice that week, so the last 2 practices are used to "clean". Cleaners are other members who have volunteered to come to practice and let the dancers know if formations look off, if things aren't matching as a group or look too different from the original idols, etc. The final practice is also often used as a filming practice for MiggySmallz (our videographer) and dress rehearsal before filming day that weekend.

How do you coordinate outfits?

The logistics manager and main directors discuss with our stylist (Joyce, a member on Lunar's subunit!) who helps to make sure the outfits emulate similar energy to what the idols show on certain stages. We try to bring our clothes to the final practice to see if our outfits all complement each other and don't get in the way of our dancing.

Can I come to practice to see what it's like?

No, our practice space is private to ECLIPSE members only for safety reasons. If you are curious what the learning and cleaning process is like, our public workshops are the best ways to interact with the team and learn from our members in a similar way to how we learn during practices.

Can I come watch your public filmings?

Absolutely! We post our filming day schedules on our socials with dates and estimated times we'll be at the locations. We'd love to see you there and have you be part of our K-Pop in Public experience. Please also feel free to take pictures/videos while we're dancing, tag us on Instagram, and come say hello when we're taking filming breaks!

How do you find places to film?

We are lucky enough to live in the Bay Area which is made up of many big crowded cities, so we try to explore open spaces in San Francisco and San Jose that get a lot of foot traffic but also will allow us to film.

Public Workshops

What are public workshops?

ECLIPSE will sometimes hold public workshops where we teach K-Pop choreography, and these workshops are open for anyone who would like to come learn from us! They are pay-per-class similar to other drop-in classes at dance studios. These workshops are hosted by, taught, and attended by ECLIPSE members as well, so you will get the chance to learn choreo from our members just like we do. Workshops are either done just for fun as a community event or will be publicized as our audition workshops, wherein we teach you the audition piece before it is time to submit auditions (but everyone is welcome to attend even if you aren't auditioning!).

Do you need to have dance experience to come to a workshop?

No! We welcome dancers of all ages and all experience levels to come to workshops. We do our best to make sure beginner dancers feel like they can learn comfortably off of our teachers, as well as creating a moments for more experienced dancers to challenge themselves in musicality and movement quality. Everyone is welcome to our public workshops!

What should I bring to workshop?

Please dress COMFORTABLY and in anything that is easy to move in! Sneakers and shoes with non-marking soles (meaning they won't leave any black scuff marks on the floors of a dance studio) are recommended with comfortable tops and shorts/pants. Athletic wear and anything you'd wear to the gym or a phys ed class is fantastic! Bring water to stay hydrated and try to come in with the goal of having a good time!

Live Events

How can I book ECLIPSE for an event?

Please contact us at to inquire about scheduling and our rates.